Our Cultural Fixation of Artificial Intelligence Is Becoming Part of Our Lives

By Dr. Lawrence Jones II

What comes to mind when you hear the term artificial intelligence (AI)? Making machines think and act like humans, such as robots? What about using Siri, Alexa, or a Tesla car's autopilot? Well, all of these examples fall under the category of artificial intelligence.

Simplilearn (April 16, 2024) reports that the imagination of artificial intelligence has appeared in science fiction stories, plays, and movies in American culture for nearly 100 years. History, though, documents the term as being coined in 1956. A computer scientist, John McCarthy, coined the term artificial intelligence, but it took time to evolve. Retrospectively, evolution shows that computing power demands had to be based on capabilities, functionalities, and Technologies.

Let's look at a few broad categories of AI that have and will appear in everyday life. From a capability perspective, there is a) Narrow tasks AI, b) General tasks AI, and c) Superintelligent tasks AI. We are bombarded with narrow-task AI daily. People with smartphones, laptop computers, the latest technology vehicles, and online commerce engage in a Narrow Tasks AI, which operates under limited parameters.

General Tasks AI have been programmed with broad human-like cognitive capabilities autonomously engaging on unfamiliar tasks like discerning and making decisions without human guidance. However, the super intelligent task AI "represents a future form of AI where machines could surpass human intelligence across all fields, including creativity, general wisdom, and problem-solving." This sounds like it could be more safe for many people. Simplilearn (April 16, 2024) shares that considering the functionality of AI, it may encompass 1) reactive machines, 2) Limited memory, 3) Theory of the Mind, and 4) Self-aware AI.

Reactive Machines do not store memories or past experiences for future actions. They analyze and respond to different situations. Limited Memory AI systems can make informed and improved decisions by studying the past data collected. Theory of Mind would entail understanding and remembering emotions, beliefs, and needs and making decisions based on those. This type requires the machine to truly understand humans. Self-aware AI is where machines have consciousness, sentience, and self-awareness, but it is still theoretical.

Simplilearn (April 16, 2024) reports that Technologies Machine Learning (ML) AI systems are "capable of self-improvement through experience without direct programming. They concentrate on creating software that can independently learn by accessing and utilizing data." Deep Learning is a subset of machine learning "involving many layers of neural networks. It is used for learning from large amounts of data and is the technology behind voice control" and image recognition.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is an AI technology that "enables machines to understand and interpret human language. It's used in chatbots, translation services, and sentiment analysis applications." Robotics is the field that involves designing, constructing, "operating, and using robots and computer systems "to control them, provide sensory feedback, and process information.

Computer Vision technology allows machines to interpret the world visually, and it's used in various applications such as medical image analysis, surveillance, and manufacturing. Expert Systems AI systems answer questions and solve problems in a specific domain of expertise using rule-based systems. There are many types of AI. It is here to stay!

The Narrative Matters!


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